By Marie-Sabine Roger & Marjolaine Leray
Translated by Angus Yuen-Killick
36 pages • Paper Over Board • Ages 3–6 • 8” x 11.25" • ISBN: 978-1-63655-056-5
Meet an impatient monster with serious anger management issues!
The Great Grrrrr works for an express delivery service. A monster on a mission, he must deliver a package to a cottage in the country. But, when the recipient isn't home, he becomes increasingly frustrated and then angry. Just when he has destroyed the cottage out of an explosive bout of rage, the homeowner shows up and everything changes. The Great Grrrrr learns to manage his anger issues and finds patience and perhaps a new perspective on life. This hilariously entertaining book takes frustration and impatience to a ridiculous extreme and finds humor in uncontrolled emotions no toddler will fail to recognize. Expressively illustrated by Marjolaine Leray in sketchy crayon drawings with bright neon second color to accent the visual drama.
The Great Grrrrr
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Marie-Sabine Roger
Marie-Sabine Roger was a kindergarten teacher for ten years before she decided to dedicate herself to writing. She is now a renowned children’s author and has published around a hundred picture books and novels. She has received many awards and prizes in her native France and has had several novels for adults adapted for the screen.
Marjolaine Leray
Since she was a child, Marjolaine has loved to draw. She studied applied arts at school, after which, armed only with a black and a red pencil, she scribbled her first picture book, which came out in 2009. Since then, she has written and illustrated several picture books and continues to pursue art through drawing, animation, photography, and graphic design.