Below we offer a list of references— including podcasts, blogs, documentary proposals, films, and articles—for anyone who might want to learn more about indigenous peoples and the issues raised in ORIGIN. 

Non-governmental organizations

Forest Peoples Programme

Human rights organization that works with forest peoples around the world to secure their rights to their lands and livelihoods. 

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) 

Since 1968, it has cooperated with indigenous organizations and international institutions to promote the recognition and implementation of indigenous peoples' rights. 

Nia Tero 

US-based non-profit organization that supports communities, collectives, and institutions advocating for Indigenous stewardship within biocultural settings.

International Labour Organization (ILO)  

It has been committed to issues relating to indigenous and tribal peoples since the 1920s. It is responsible for the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), the only international treaty open to ratification that deals exclusively with the rights of these peoples.

Rights & Resources

Global coalition of more than 150 organizations dedicated to promoting land and resource rights, with the guidance and support of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant Peoples and communities themselves.

Survival International

Collaborate with indigenous peoples to campaign, lobby and support in the defense of their territorial rights.

The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) 

Global human rights organization dedicated to the promotion, protection and defense of the rights of indigenous peoples. 

World Rainforest Movement 

International initiative that aims to contribute to the struggles, reflections and political actions of indigenous peoples, peasants and other forest-dependent communities in the Global South.

Sokola Institute

A non-profit organization in Indonesia. Established in 2003 by five educational professionals and community facilitators, Sokola works with the Orang Rimba to confront change and defend their rights to their culture and habitat.


Organization that has played an important role in defending the rights of the Yanomami and raising awareness of the challenges they face, both nationally and internationally.

Digital magazines and other links of interest


Media outlet that focuses on issues related to sustainability, ethics and social responsibility, as well as humanism and climate change.

Sustainability for all

Digital magazine of ACCIONA, a global group that develops and manages sustainable infrastructure solutions, especially renewable energy.


Website with news about conservation and environmental sciences in Latin America.


Website specialized in promoting intercultural dialogue on indigenous and environmental issues. Promoted by an association called Intercultural Communication Services based in Peru.

Unesco, sf, « UNESCO programme Teaching and learning for a sustainable future »

United Nations, 2008, « United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ».


The United Cherokee Nation

What is it?

Pachayachachiq Institute


The Moken Islands


Gitksan Government Commission (GGC).


Online Atlas of the Evenki of Sakha-Yakutia by Lyengra 

Ngati Hau

Encyclopedia of New Zealand 


Encyclopedia of Canada

Uru Chipaya

Chipaya Encyclopedia


Gorosito, AM, Indigenous Peoples , 2013.

A multi-episode program featuring the anthropologist and several representatives of various indigenous peoples of America. 


Arnaquq-Baril, A., Angry Inuk , 2021.


Bueno, R., Queens of Orango , 2023.


F., Molly, Mbuti: Children of the Forest , Pyramid Media, 2014.

Honorable Mention at the Forests Short Film Festival.

What is it?

Andean Cosmovision ,Pachayachachiq Institute, 2022.


The Men of the Fifth World , Planet Doc Full, 2016.


We are wauyuu , Venezuela Nueva, 2011


The indigenous bribri women , Mongabay, 2021.

Orang Rimba

Riza, R., The Jungle School , Miles Films, 2013.


Larsen, E., The Reindeer People , National Geographic, 2014.

I Am An Indigenous Reindeer Herder ,Goodful, 2021,

Uru Chipaya

Qnas Soñi (Men of the Water). Uru people of Chipaya , Education Without Borders, 2013.

Documentary in two chapters.


U., Farhan, Our land. Our culture. Our laws: we are Gitxsan , 2023. 

Dongria Kondh

Mine – Story of a Sacred Mountain , Survival International, 2009



By anthropologist and photojournalist Ana Boyé. 

An anthropologist on the moon

By anthropologist Noemí Villaverde.

Carmen Arnau Muro Foundation

For the study of the indigenous peoples of Siberia.


Indigenous Foundation FS, Indigenous Voices .

Let's Go Green, Elicura Chihuailaf “Humans belong to nature” , June 2022.

Articles and studies

M., Dwayne (ed.), « The Indigenous World 2023 » , Bolivia, IWGIA, 2023.

del Cid Lucero, VM, « Glossary of Social Sciences and Indigenous Peoples ». Nicaragua, Tulum Magazine, 2011.

UNICEF & FUNPROEIB Andes, Sociolinguistic Atlas of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America , 2009.

International Labour Organization (ILO), “ Implementing ILO Convention No. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: Towards an inclusive, sustainable and fair future ”, 2019.

CLACSO Education and Interculturality Working Group, “ Celebrating the Native Languages ​​of America,” 2020 . 

Zolla, C. & Zolla Márquez, E., « The indigenous peoples of Mexico, 100 questions ». Mexico City , UNAM, 2004.

Colchester, M., «Saving nature: indigenous peoples, protected areas and biodiversity conservation» , United Nations, Digital Library, 1994.

Bonilla, O. [et al.], « Returning to the origin: ancestral narratives about humanity, time and the world », Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: CLACSO; Montevideo: UNESCO, 2022.

UNESCO, « Nomads: a conditional freedom », 1994.

D., Gregorio. A Brief History of the North American Indians . Madrid, Ediciones Nowtilus, 2009.


Lee, A., Rainow, S., Tregenza, J., Tregenza, L., Balmer, L., Bryce, S., and Schomburgk, D., 2016, « Nutrition in remote aboriginal communities: lessons from Mai Wiru and the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands », Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health , 40(S1), S81-S88. 

« The Anangu win the battle against tourism », La Vanguardia , October 26, 2019.


«Various San or Bushmen groups live in the desert areas of Namibia, Botswana and Angola. The !Kung live in the Kalahari Desert in northwestern Botswana, in Cuando-Cubanga Province in southeastern Angola and in northeastern Namibia. The !Kung of Angola live in the more tropical open forests.» 

Excerpted from: « The !Kung Bushmen », Orville Jenkins , n.d.

Machado, A. Mª., « When a diamond is more dangerous than a lion. The Gana and Gwi Bushmen of the Kalahari », Barcelona, ​​Ecología Política, 15 June 2007. 

Marshall, L., « The Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert ». In Llobera, JR, Political Anthropology. Barcelona, ​​Anagrama, 1979. 


«In the ruins corresponding to the traditional site there are several graves, in one of which French archaeologists have excavated the remains of two white women.»

Extracted from: « Tuareg: nomads of the desert », Zaragoza , Almendron, sf  


Castillo, BD, « Orality, history and Bribri culture », Dominican Republic, Cultural Magazine Lotería , 2019.  

Jara Murillo, CV, « Grammar of the Bribri language », Costa Rica, School of Philology, Linguistics and Literature, Institute of Linguistic Research, University of Costa Rica, 2018.

« National and international statement: From the indigenous Bribrí original territory of Cabagra Council of Elders Iriria JtechöWakpa », Costa Rica, Ditsö , 2013.

What is it?

Castañeda Yapura, SV [et al.], « Weaving life. Textiles in Q'ero ». Peru, Ministry of Culture of Peru. Decentralized Directorate of Culture Cusco, 2019.

« Qeros, the last Inca community in Cusco », Peru, Machu Picchu Ticket , 2022.

Mendoza, R., « The Q'ero nation, “The last ayllu of the Incas”, is threatened by mining », Peru, Biodiversity , June 28, 2018. 

Wissler, H. (2010). « Q eros, Peru: the regeneration of cosmological relations and specific identities through music », Peru, Anthropologica , 2010.


Sambo Dorough, D., “ Inuit and the Arctic Environment ”, IUCN World Conservation Congress, 2020.


Tayac, G., «Native Americans Keep Their Traditions Alive». CINTEOTL, Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2011.


Aguilar, I. & Márquez, E., « The art of weaving among the men of the Wayuu ethnic group of the Colombian-Venezuelan Guajira ». Bogotá, University of America Foundation, 2006.


Bacurim, FJP, « A caminho de Unhocomo: um estudo sobre cosmologia Bijagó ea relation da vida com a norte », São Francisco do Conde, Instituto de Humanidades e Letras, Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira, 2018. 

Cardoso, A. (2010). « Traditional knowledge and practices of the Bijagó ethnic group and their relations with an organization, a management and conservation of biodiversity in Guinea-Bissau », Brazil, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2010.

Semedo, RJ, « Inventory of crafts, dances and songs », Republic of Guinea Bissau, IMVF , 2015.

Simão Da Silva, A. [et al.], « Guiné-Bissau. A Biosphere Reserve of the Bolama-Bijagós archipelago: a heritage to preserve », OAPN – Ministério da Agricultura, Alimentação e Meio Ambiente da Espanha / Ministerio de Agricultura, Food y Medio Ambiente de España, 2012.

Suárez, Á. G., « Reflections on the Bijagó “matriarchy” in Guinea–Bissau: an example of an egalitarian sociosexual order ». Córdoba (Argentina), Contra| stories from the South , 2017.


«Juchitán de Zaragoza is the most important economic and political centre in the region, where, throughout history, relations of domination have been established with other peoples through mechanisms such as unequal economic exchange, regional colonialism, occupation and exploitation of land and salt mines, etc.» 

Extracted from: Castaneira Yee Ben, A., « The Marena Route. The Huaves on the Coast of the Southern Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca (13th-21st Century). Fluid territories, ecological adaptation, division of labor, interethnic hierarchies and Huave-Zapotec geopolitics », Autonomous Metropolitan University-Iztapalapa, Mexico City, 2008.

«The main town festivals are called “Velas” and are celebrated throughout the year, although almost all of them are concentrated in the month of May, coinciding with the sowing and the beginning of the agricultural cycle. They are held in honour of a saint, a product, a trade, a family, a name or an animal. The “Vela” is a great dance that lasts until dawn, attended by women in their traditional dress, and where there is plenty of food, drink and dancing. The next day a mass is celebrated in honour of the saint with a lunch offered by the stewards and the “lavado de olla” is also celebrated. The main Velas at the end of May feature the “Regada de fruta” or “Regada de flores”, a parade of cars decorated with flowers that travel through the town, giving household items to the population (previously they were fruits).»

Extracted from: Miano, M. « Symbolic dimensions on the sex/gender system among the Zapotec indigenous people of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Mexico) », Gazeta de Antropología, 2006.


Lavrillier, A. & Gabyshev, S., « An Arctic Indigenous Knowledge System of Landscape, Climate, and Human Interactions », Germany, Kulturstiftung Sibirien , 2017.


Cahuec del Valle, E. (ed.), « History and memories of the Tz'utujil ethnic community », Guatemala, Rafael Landívar University, 1997.


Ahlness, EA and Gauto, MG, « Decolonizing grey spaces: art and storytelling as political activism of the Sami », Political Ecology, (57), pp. 62-67, 2019.

« The Sami in Finland ». Sweden, The Sámi Parliament, 2008.

Marengo, MG, « The Sami: construction and recognition of a culture originating in the far north of Europe », Philology. Academic and Cultural Gazette , 4 (18), pp. 10-16, 2021.


Photo documentary and article by Matt Reichel, co-founder of Inertia Network: 

Huang, R., « Mbuti: Congo's last forest pygmies persist despite violence and loss », Inertia Network, n.d. 


Guo, X. In State and Ethnicity in China's Southwest , Netherlands, Brill, pp. 109-159, 2008.

Xiao, E., Jin, J., Hong, Z., & Zhang, J., « The relationship between children and their maternal uncles: A unique parenting mode in Mosuo culture », Frontiers in Psychology, 13, (2022.

Mattison, S.M., Beheim, B., Chak, B., & Buston, P. Offspring sex preferences among patrilineal and matrilineal Mosuo in Southwest China revealed by differences in parity progression , London, Royal Society Open Science , 3(9), 2016 . 


« The Wave That Eats People – The Value of Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction », United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, August 9, 2011.


Durán Camelo, VH, « Body and education in the Wayúu culture », Physical Education and Sport Magazine, n. 29-2, 239-252, Funámbulos Editores, 2010.

«The Wayuu are divided into two groups: the Apaalanchi (beach-dwellers), who are fishermen, and the Arumewi (shepherds), who are cattle-breeders. During the dry season, they migrate to other pastures or go to work in salt extraction.»

Extracted from: Hostein, N., « The Wayuu people of the Colombian-Venezuelan Guajira: an overview of their culture », San José (Costa Rica), Cuadernos De Antropología , 20, 2010.